To note down your latest catch with all the added details gives you a wealth of imformation in which to improve your fishing thereafter. You can make a more asertive choice of bait (since you know what works), you can pick the best spots and most importantly you can see how much you are improving.
So what information should you record? Ideally you should note the species of fish, weight, bait/method used, weather conditions,tiem caught, venue fished and the place caught on water. To go to extremes you can also note the GPS coordinates of where you caught it, the temperature, as well as the asmospheric pressure (from research this has an affect on fish feeding).

To make this task a whole lot easier you can use an online log book (this ones free). This allows you to notice trends in your catches such as what weather is best, and at what time. It also speeds the whole process up by easily typing in the record you make, instead of searching through notepads.
So what information should you record? Ideally you should note the species of fish, weight, bait/method used, weather conditions,tiem caught, venue fished and the place caught on water. To go to extremes you can also note the GPS coordinates of where you caught it, the temperature, as well as the asmospheric pressure (from research this has an affect on fish feeding).

To make this task a whole lot easier you can use an online log book (this ones free). This allows you to notice trends in your catches such as what weather is best, and at what time. It also speeds the whole process up by easily typing in the record you make, instead of searching through notepads.